Grand Traverse Audubon Club


chickadee logo Small
Official GTA club logo by Tom Ford

Welcome!  The Grand Traverse Audubon Club members enjoy birding together, meeting for nature-oriented programs or field trips, and participating in service projects related to the environment.  We are concerned about the preservation of habitat for wildlife, and natural areas for the enjoyment of all residents.  We are a chapter of the Michigan Audubon Society .

Our regular meetings are usually the third Thursday of the month at the Boardman River Nature Center on Cass Road at 7:00 PM.  Everyone is welcome to attend!


February 20 (Thursday) Skegemog Raptor Center at BRNC.

Skegemog Raptor Center (SRC) is a safe place for sick and injured raptors to receive care. James Manley, SRC Executive Director, will share some unique features about raptors and practical ways individuals can help these birds out. In addition to learning more about how their rehabilitation work and research helps understand emerging health concerns and issues for raptor populations, we will have an opportunity to meet some of their raptor ambassadors! James began his work with raptors in 2006 volunteering and training at Wings of Wonder under the close supervision of founder Rebecca Lessard. He has been involved in education programs, rehabilitation work, and various building projects throughout the years. He has held his own state and federal rehabilitation permits since 2009. Contact leader Jenny Young with questions: or 317-833-6425.


1 – 2 (Saturday & Sunday) – Upper Peninsula Birding FULL! (sorry!)

The Grand Traverse Audubon Club will be hosting a field trip to the UP for some winter birding. The dates are Saturday Feb 1st – Sunday February 2nd. We will leave Traverse City around 8 am Saturday and return late afternoon on Sunday. There is no charge for this event; however, all participants will be responsible for their own food and lodging. We have a block of rooms reserved at Budget Host Hotel in St. Ignace. Room rates (pre-tax) are $102.60 for single queen, $112.50 for single king, or $122.40 for 2 queens.
Our target birds include Snowy Owl, Sharp-tail Grouse,  Rough-legged Hawk, Northern Shrike, Pine Grosbeak, Common Redpoll, Pine Siskin, Bohemian Waxwing, Snow Bunting, and Evening Grosbeak (note: it would be highly unlikely to get all of these, but we’ll try!) We will explore Chippewa and Mackinac counties and will include a variety of stops such as Rudyard, Pickford, Whitefish Point and possibly Sault Ste Marie (depending on what is being reported up there as the date gets closer). In case you are interested, here is Jenny Young’s trip report from the last time she did this trip:
We’ll spend most of the time in a car caravan, stopping along snow-covered, gravel, or paved roads where we will have short walks looking for birds. Just so you are aware, bathrooms will be limited while we are out on the country roads.
Anyone interested in joining this field trip should register via the link below (FYI, we are limiting registration to 10 people):
To secure a room, call the Budget Host in St. Ignace at (906) 643-9666. The block of rooms will be held until early January and is under Grand Traverse Audubon Club and Jenny Young’s name.
Any questions, feel free to email or give a call to Jenny Young. or 317-833-6425.


  • Saturday, January 11, 2025
  • 9:00 AM  10:30 AM
  • Governmental Center (map)

Description: GTCD naturalists and Grand Traverse Audubon Board member Kirk Waterstripe invite you to a community bird watching hike along the Boardman-Ottaway River and Boardman Lake.
Where: Meet at the Governmental Center, County of Grand Traverse, 400 Boardman Ave, Traverse City, MI 49684.
Registration: Free. Registration is required. Please click here to register.

To view a list of our 2025 Events:

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