Grand Traverse Audubon Club


chickadee logo Small
Official GTA club logo by Tom Ford

Welcome!  The Grand Traverse Audubon Club members enjoy birding together, meeting for nature-oriented programs or field trips, and participating in service projects related to the environment.  We are concerned about the preservation of habitat for wildlife, and natural areas for the enjoyment of all residents.  We are a chapter of the Michigan Audubon Society .

Our regular programs are usually the third Thursday of the month at the Boardman River Nature Center on Cass Road at 7:00 PM.  Everyone is welcome to attend!


April 17 (Thursday) – Ecuador Bird Trip Program- Jenny Young *SPECIAL VENUE: GRAND TRAVERSE REGIONAL LAND CONSERVANCY *

Tired of the snow and cold? Come spend an evening being transported to the tropics as Jenny Young presents a review of her recent trip to Ecuador. She will share pictures from various flora and fauna, focusing mainly on the huge variety of colorful tropical birds ranging from the cloud forest in the Mindo region, high-altitude birding within Antisana Ecological Reserve, and finally the Amazon Basin. Hear about her adventures traveling by motorized canoe down the Napo River to two different ecolodges deep within the jungle where local indigenous guides from the local Kichwa tribe shared information about their way of living and blessed us with their amazing abilities to find hundreds of birds! This meeting will showcase the new Grand Traverse Regional Land Conservancy building at 2846 N Three Mile Rd.


19 (Saturday) Arcadia Marsh Field Trip

The Grand Traverse Audubon Club annual field trip to Arcadia Marsh (on Route 22, Manistee County) is scheduled for Saturday April 19th. We’ll look for Sandhill Cranes, waterfowl, blackbirds, early warblers, and much more. *Parts of this trip will be accessible to those with mobility issues. Meet up at the car wash by Meijer on US 31 South at 7:00 AM and then carpool/caravan to the marsh. If if it more convenient for folks, we’ll also stop at Wendy’s parking lot at Interlochen Corners at 7:20 am to carpool/caravan to the marsh. If you would like to meet the group at the marsh parking lot off of M-22 (44.489058, -86.231795) please advise the leaders in advance. Contact leader Jenny Young with questions:


26 (Saturday) MakerFest: Recycle Smart & TADL Program

Grand Traverse Audubon Club will have a booth at this event to be held inside the Howe Arena at the G.T. Civic Center from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm.  We’ll demonstrate how to report and identify birds in our area. We’ll let you know the birding hotspots we’ve found. We will be raffling off Bluebird Nest Boxes. In addition, we’ll have a binocular workshop regarding best binocular magnification for birding; focusing; and maintaining & cleaning them. There is a long list of interesting vendors and activities. *Kids Birdie Shrink Art at our Booth* !
There is a long list of interesting vendors and activities. More information at: MakerFest 2025


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To view a list of our 2025 Events:

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